Photo Scanning Promo to Celebrate Singapore’s 48th Birthday


9th August 2013 will be the day we celebrate our Nation’s birthday. It is a day for many to enjoy, first and foremost, because it is a public holiday! It is also a time for some to enjoy the great sights and performance of the National Day Parade.SaveMyPiz wants to add to that joy by bringing to you a SPECIAL ONE-TIME OFFER on our photo scanning services to commemorate our Nation’s birthday! The first 48 photos will be scanned for FREE (min. 200 pcs to quality for this offer)! To enjoy this offer, all you have to do is to contact us via email,, and quote the discount code:SAVEMYPIZ4SG48. Offer will be valid until the end of August 2013We will leave you to enjoy your holidays by ending off by a beautiful poem. Happy holidays!

My lovely home!

Singapore, my island home,
Where my heart will always be.
This is our lovely home,
This is where the love should be.

My home, where I live,
A peaceful and harmonic life.
Filled with laughter and smile
And the bustling of streets that filled with life.

My heart is where it should be,
Alongside with my friends and family members.
All kinds of culture made us one,
With emotions that can be seen by everyone.

With my heart and soul,
I will say the pledge.
With the pride of a lion,
I will sing the national anthem.

Though small Singapore is,
a green city it is.
With many species of flora,
That gave peace to the nation.

Every national day is special.
Once a year to tell us that
This is a country where
Many are carefree.

Being one in this country
Is something worth the joy.
A place with tight security
And less dangerous place.

I will stand for Singapore,
This beautiful island home.
The place where the heart stays in peace,
For bright futures ahead and us.

by Otaku Nature Lover CSHY

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